“[Rockingham County, N.C.] – On Monday December 20, 2021 at around 12:15 p.m., Rockingham County Sheriff’s Deputies and Investigators were notified that a deceased female had been located in a wooded area on Gold Hill Rd. near Foulks Rd. in Madison. The female had been located by a hunter that was in the area.The deceased female was identified as LaDawn Marie Edwards, 27, of 63 Luther St. Sparta, N.C. Following the investigation, Rockingham County Sheriff’s Detectives believe that LaDawn and her boyfriend, Zachary Joseph Taylor, 21, of 1708 Grandview Dr. Sparta, N.C., had been visiting some people who live in the area and had started walking together in the Gold Hill Rd. area sometime Sunday evening (Dec. 19th). Sheriff’s Investigators believe that LaDawn overdosed on an unknown amount of a controlled substance and died where she was located. Taylor left LaDawn there and attempted to report her as a “Missing Person” to the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office the following morning around 10:30 a.m., shortly before she was discovered in the woods. ZACHARY JOSEPH TAYLOR (pictured in this post) was charged and arrested with felony Death by Distribution, Concealing a Body, and Resist, Obstruct and Delay of an Officer. Taylor was placed in the Rockingham County Detention Facility under a $500,000 secured bond. This is an ongoing investigation.” – from official news release of Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office.