A lot of people are anticipating the coming of the big Blue Ridge Rock Festival to be held in Blairs, Virginia in September. It’s already caused a sell-out of the hotel rooms in and around Danville, Virginia and is going to be intense. Another, smaller, more laid back, event is being planned for Axton, Virginia for Saturday, August 7, 2021 for the hours of 2:00 PM EST to 9:00 PM EST. It’s going to be a cruise inn and car show to be held at the Smith River Complex, right outside of the Martinsville, Virginia city limits. Here is a poster for the event, billing it as the “biggest car & bike show to hit Southside VA.”

The event is being put on by Henry County’s Heads of State, which first put this event on in 2018. They did it again in 2019 and counted 1,900 people in attendance. Last year, though, because of covid they had to restrict the number of people who could come and had to limit it under 1,000. A lot of people had fun and I’m sure are looking forward to going again in just two weeks.
Admission is $10 to get in. A car show entry is $25, and all kids 12 and under get in free. There will be multiple food truck vendors, bouncy houses, a cruise inn, corn hole tourney, music and a lot more. It’s a kid friendly family fun event and a chance to gather with friends and meet people.
Food vendors are $50 and PopUp Vendors are $25. More details and contact information are available on the Facebook event page here.
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