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wsw staff
WSW Staff are independent writers and freelancers. If you have a news tip or are interested in submitting content to us go to our contact us form and let us know.

Microsoft announces plan to acquire GitHub for US$7.5 billion – WikiNews...

On Monday, United States technology giant Microsoft announced their plans to acquire GitHub, a San Francisco, California-based web-based hosting service for software version control...

As Mysterious ‘Stingray’ Use Sparks Spying Fears in DC, Trump FCC...

After the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently admitted that it has detected signs of "nefarious actors" using Stingrays—which operate as fake cellphone towers—to...

Stockman: Today’s ‘Daredevil Market’ Is ‘All Risk, Very Little Reward’ –...

David Stockman appeared on "Futures Now" in a segment wih CNBC's bubble girl.

There Is No Tech Bubble; Embrace The Growth – Kitco News...

Growth amongst tech companies has been consistent across economies around the world, and investors should not shy from investing now, even during all-time high...

Closer Turkey-Russia Relations Are Built on Fossil Fuels and Arms Sales...

Turkey has grown closer to Russia, despite their differences over Syria and NATO. Political analyst Ekrem Ekici says this growing alliance is based on...

New Allegations Added to Lawsuit on How Facebook’s Targeting Tools Helped...

New Allegations Added to Lawsuit on How Facebook’s Targeting Tools Helped Advertisers Exclude Older Workers Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit have expanded the scope of...