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Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson
Mike Swanson is the founder and editor of WallStreetWindow.com. He has a Masters Degree in History from the University of Virginia, but went into the world of finance, instead of academia. From 2003 to 2006 he co-managed a hedge fund. He is also the author of several books, including works on the history of Danville, Virginia, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and stock trading strategies, all of which are available at Amazon.com.

Jim Cramer Talks About Explosion in VIX ETF’s – CNBC (02/06/2018)

Jim Cramer makes note of the VIX ETF's which began to totally explode after the market closed last night. The leveraged VIX ETF's are...

Dealing With The Fallout From Friday’s Dow Devil Day (Down 666...

I want to talk with you about what to do now as this morning the stock market averages are gapping down hard following what...

Bitcoin Now Becoming a Passing Fad As Interest Fades Fast –...

Here is more evidence that Bitcoin is now slowly dying in front of our eyes. Take a look at this chart below, which is...

The Bitcoin Cartel Has Lost Their Bitcoin Price Control – Mike...

Last year Bitcoin was the talk of everyone as it went from $1,000 to $20,000, but I believe it may now be dying and...

Ochelli Effect: Gilded Block Chain Migration – Mike Swanson (01/31/2018)

Last night at 8:00 PM EST I was live on The Ochelli Effect. I talked about the current trends in Bitcoin and the hype over...

Facebook is banning all ads promoting cryptocurrencies – CNBC (01/30/2018)

  "This policy is intentionally broad while we work to better detect deceptive and misleading advertising practices," wrote Rob Leathern, one of Facebook's ad tech...