Michael Swanson
The Stock Market Is Now The Most Oversold It Has Been...
I haven't done an update in a few weeks, because I have seen zero trading ideas worth talking about for you. The stock...
Frank Fox Explains Why Proposed 58 West Axton Development Is Critical...
This week there will be a key zoning vote at the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors meeting over zoning changes for the proposed 58...
Supervisor Ron Scearce Talks “Accountability” While One Scearce/Warren Team Member Violates...
It's only August and this election season in Pittsylvania County is already getting wacky thanks to the Scearce/Warren Team aka "Clown Show." For...
Here Is A Sector Coming Out Of A Stage One Base...
About six weeks ago I did an interview with Ike Iossif on his marketviews.tv podcast. He asked me what I thought looked like...
What In The World Is Going On With The Stock Market...
What is going on with the stock market now? I use technical analysis to analyze the markets and haven't done a Youtube video since...
The Pittsylvania County BOS Scearce/Warren Team Takes Control In Rocky Waters...
The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors (BOS) is at a paradoxical, moment. After the June BOS meeting, the Scearce/Warren Political Machine AKA Clown...