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Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson
Mike Swanson is the founder and editor of WallStreetWindow.com. He has a Masters Degree in History from the University of Virginia, but went into the world of finance, instead of academia. From 2003 to 2006 he co-managed a hedge fund. He is also the author of several books, including works on the history of Danville, Virginia, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and stock trading strategies, all of which are available at Amazon.com.

The Stock Market Is Now The Most Oversold It Has Been...

I haven't done an update in a few weeks, because I have seen zero trading ideas worth talking about for you. The stock...

Frank Fox Explains Why Proposed 58 West Axton Development Is Critical...

This week there will be a key zoning vote at the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors meeting over zoning changes for the proposed 58...

Supervisor Ron Scearce Talks “Accountability” While One Scearce/Warren Team Member Violates...

It's only August and this election season in Pittsylvania County is already getting wacky thanks to the Scearce/Warren Team aka "Clown Show." For...

Here Is A Sector Coming Out Of A Stage One Base...

About six weeks ago I did an interview with Ike Iossif on his marketviews.tv podcast. He asked me what I thought looked like...

What In The World Is Going On With The Stock Market...

What is going on with the stock market now? I use technical analysis to analyze the markets and haven't done a Youtube video since...

The Pittsylvania County BOS Scearce/Warren Team Takes Control In Rocky Waters...

The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors (BOS) is at a paradoxical, moment. After the June BOS meeting, the Scearce/Warren Political Machine AKA Clown...