Mike Swanson
Military Industrial Complex Famous Quotes
Of course the most famous quote about the military-industrial complex comes from President Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address, but there are many more famous quotes...
Military Industrial Complex Conspiracy
Is the military industrial complex a conspiracy? On one hand it is easy to think it is. There have been a lot of strange...
Understanding the Military Industrial Complex
The military industrial complex has become our national albatross. The Soviet Union went bankrupt in part due to out of control defense spending and...
Max Weber and His Theory on Bureaucracy
Max Weber is believed to be one of the biggest influences in political science, philosophy and sociology. His biggest contribution was probably in the...
Iron Triangle Definition – Political Corruption
The political science term “Iron Triangle” was coined to define a special understanding between a government, bureaucratic government agencies and special interest groups or...
Inverted Totalitarianism
For those of you not familiar with Inverted Totalitarianism, it is a term that was first introduced by Sheldon Wolin (a political philosopher so...