Home Authors Posts by David Skarica

David Skarica

David Skarica
David Skarica runs the website addictedtoprofits.net.

Bullish Scenarios for the Stock Market, Lets Look back at 1966...

Today we look at bullish market scenarios. With the market 8 months into a rally this is very long in the tooth for a...

Stockchartoftheday Ultimate bust stock weed.to… Updates from Blue Sky and Vortex...

Vortex Acquires up to 30 percent interest in a copper property in Chile CLICK BELOW https://finance.yahoo.com/news/vortex-metals-acquire-80-interest-110000157.html Blue Sky closes Private Placement Click below https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amended-blue-sky-uranium-closes-110000949.html Today we talk about...

Stockchartoftheday: Long Term Bond Yields, Great Results from NFG.v and EMR.v...

Newfoundgold is a sponsor of stock chart of the day David does not own the stock, Emergent was a former client of David’s via...

Interview with Inca One INCA.v Undervalued Gold Processor

We have a new interview with a very undervalued deal Inca One INCA.v I have been buying in recent weeks. They announced 3.9 million...

Inca One with Strong Revenues, Maximum Pessimism Investing, Addicted to Weed...

David has a marketing agreement with Inca One , His family owns the stock, his family also owns CGC and POTX. Disclosure: Michael Swanson is...

Stockchartoftheday: VIX Collapses, INCA One sees strong revenues

Stockchartoftheday June 9th 2023 – VIX Collapses, INCA One sees strong revenues INCA ONE SEES SOLID REVENUES IN APRIL 2023 CLICK HERE for UPDATE Disclosure David...