The Warren Commission says that Lee Harvey Oswald shot at General Edwin Walker while some have said he was actually involved in the JFK assassination. Carmine Savastano looks at the evidence behind the Walker shooting while Michael Swanson shares some records of General Charles Willoughby who some have claimed was a JFK assassination mastermind. What do these files reveal about this general.
General Walker was inspired by the John Birch Society to become a radical in the military and then attempt to run for office.
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Carmine Savastano’s article on the General Walker shooting (with the letter to Walker after the JFK assassination at the end of it is available here
Another Savanasto article on the Walker shooting and rumors about Oswald:
The Rumor heard around the World
Book’s referred to in this video:
The Politics of Rage Dan Carter
Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas And The Birth Of The Southern Strategy – Edward Miller
General Willoughby Files
File 1 October 29, 1959 letter from H.L. Hunt Assistant to General Willoughby
File 3 1954 Letter from H.L. Hunt assistant to Willoughby describing Dallas 100 Club
File 4 – letter two again, scanned it twice…mistake in numbering
File 6 – 1969 Invitation to Willoughby to become a US leader of the World Anti-Communist league
Here is a clip of General Walker a few days after the JFK assassination:
Here is a clip of Billy James Hargis: