Today is another dull day for the Nasdaq and DOW. Yes, the market had a nice rally at the end of last month, but this week it has just been floating around. Traders are tired of a dull tape and looking for action. There isn’t much happening on the US OTC today either, but this week shares of Forza Innovations (OTCMKTS: FORZ) have come alive. The stock has done almost 1,000 individual trades so far on the US OTC and is up 35% for the week, as you can see from this chart.

The company is named after its founder and CEO Johnny Forzani and specializes in developing health care wearables. The stock is a micro cap issue with a market cap of less than $2 million. It has been pretty much ignored all year, but today the company issued a press release about its acquisition of Sustainable Origins, which it describes as a Charlotte, North Carolina based company that “is in the business of collections and refinement of renewable fuel inputs. Sustainable continues to acquire new clients since the last update provided in a press release dated May 31, 2022.”
“When properly collected, transported and recycled, cooking grease is converted into yellow grease, a valuable component used in the production of renewable diesel. There is a perpetually increasing demand for cleaner fuel alternatives as society becomes more environmentally conscious. Yellow grease is a component in the production of renewable diesel, a cleaner burning fuel that reduces carbon emissions by up to 85 percent. Climate change is becoming a more pressing issue by the day and healthier alternatives to petroleum are in high demand worldwide, which in turn increases the demand for yellow grease. That price of yellow grease is likely to continue to rise.”
“Steadily growing its customer base, Sustainable has recently signed several contracts for collections with 3 Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse restaurants and 3 City Kitch Commissaries with 30 restaurants/food trucks per location. Denver Waterjet will be fabricating unique containers to place at each location. Sustainable Origins has a new allied membership with NCRLA (North Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association), and is in talks with LEPR advertising agency to increase media exposure and marketing opportunities. Fueling the growth of the business is imperative to continued success. Sustainable is officially adding roles and hiring several new team members to meet the growing demand of our services.”
There are no details in the press release on what the profit margins are for turning used restaurant grease into “yellow grease,” but there is tremendous excitement about the stock among traders on Twitter today.
$FORZ How we doing!?? 🔥🔥🔥🔥
— Chase (@ChaseMacTrades) July 12, 2022
ANOTHER HUGE @sttbreakingnews WINNER TODAY ON $FORZ whewwwwwww, nearly 100% gain from the alert. Yet again I sold too soon, but banked on this thanks to and they nailed $GOEV early too…retweet and give these guys props as they've been on fire lately!
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) July 12, 2022
$FORZ maintaining a core position from original entry. A bit shocked to see people walk away that fast and back to flat but good setups can find a way so I will see where this goes.
— (@KickoStocks) July 12, 2022
$forz Sustainable Origins buys used cooking oil that restaurants WOULD USUALLY JUST THROW AWAY. Now they can get cash for this? Who wouldn't want to become a client?
— Pūʻali (@Bettorbewise) July 12, 2022
Plus, the price of their recycled product is increasing… interesting to see what their revs will be like.
I have no position in the stock and am only watching it as I do not know how much money can come out of this deal or if it is just a lot of hype. To find out what we are trading you need to get on the WallStreetWindow free stock trading newsletter. Do that and you’ll get our pre-market updates. To do that just go here.