On this edition of Parallax Views, one of the world’s foremost philosophers, Slavoj Zizek, joins us to discuss the global crises civilization faces today, from the COVID pandemic and global warming to digital suveillance and mass mental health struggles in an era of jungle capitalism, and how we must face these crises while holding onto hope and letting go of fear and the depression these crises may inspire in us. Among the topics we broach our the COVID-19 pandemic, digital surveillance, the corporate “Great Reset” advanced by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, catastrophic climate change, Frederic Jamison’s advice to Slavoj on pessimism vs. depression, the potential of the Left and what its strategy must be facing the future and dangerous times ahead, the conflict between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and elements of the socialist left, Biden’s COVID relief package, and much, much more.
Source: Facing Our Global Crises & Maintaining Hope w/ Slavoj Zizek