Home Podcasts Is Gold Now Starting Its Seasonal Summer Rally? (With David Skarica) –...

Is Gold Now Starting Its Seasonal Summer Rally? (With David Skarica) – Mike Swanson (06/23/2020)

The price of gold is up good today with gold prices testing their 52-week highs of the year. There is no stock market news explaining this move, but experienced gold investors know that seasonally gold tends to have its best months of the year from July to October. July is almost upon us so today’s action forces us all to ask whether or not this is the start of the big seasonal rally many are expecting on the precious metals technical analysis charts?

I talked about this question with David Skarica of addictedtoprofits.net. He also talking about mining stocks he likes from a stock trading perspective and his thoughts on the S&P 500 and broad stock market now.

I highly recommend that you get into Dave’s premium trading service to really get involved in these markets and the gold trend. It is here in front of you lined up.

To begin click here.
