Congratulations for reading this because so far this month I have had several hundred people unsubscribe from my free emails in anger.
Because I have said many times that Apple is a dead money stock lagging the stock market averages that should be sold so that the money could be used in better situations.
On February 19 I did a post showing how the FANG stocks are lagging the market and how AAPL
In that
Well yesterday TNDM went up over 25%.

Here is what happened.
After my post on February
And then yesterday it went up 25.20%
And it did this IN A SINGLE DAY.
What has Apple done since then?
I’m not telling you to buy TNDM now, because I would never tell you to chase anything after it has already gone up like this.
My goal is to find the sectors and stocks that can make you the most money possible with good entry points.
This is tough for me, because it is not what people want to hear!
Guy Adami is a good guy and is on the CNBC Fast Money show every night.
He did an interview I posted on my website that you can listen to here talking about his views of the Federal Reserve.
He said that he thinks that policies started by Ben Bernanke are going to ruin the country in time and said that he tries to throw in a hint now and then when he can to the CNBC audience about the real problems facing our country, but that he cannot do this every night or as often as he would like.
Because if he did the audience would push him off the air!
He said that the TV audience wants to turn on CNBC and feel good and go to sleep happy so it is the job of the CNBC people to give the viewers what they want – which I believe is to hear that the stocks that they already own are great. He admitted that there is a bias on CNBC to give the audience constant reassurance that the stock market is going higher just as MSNBC constantly bashes Trump for their audience while Fox News treats him as an infallible God for theirs. What the TV audience wants is self-confirmation in a time of economic, cultural, and spiritual malaise.
Adami said if someone got on CNBC every night warning about the risks in the market or suggesting selling the popular stocks they own even if they are broken every night they would become figures to hate and would be driven off the air.
Is there room for truth or someone who wants to actually help people and not just cater to them? I rambled on that question with Chuck Ochelli Tuesday on his show.
I believe many of the CNBC viewers want to hear constant pumps on
This is not a popularity contest. This is about beating the markets! And it’s impossible for someone who has tied up the bulk of their money in Apple stock to do that now as we go through a massive cycle shift in the markets. If I’m not writing posts and emails that are to help people than what am I doing?
The Guy Adami interview is a good one it starts at the seven minute mark on this video here.
Now when I posted about TNDM I made note that I CANNOT PREDICT THE FUTURE. I didn’t pick it on some wild crystal ball prediction, but on the technical
I’m trying to make a free stock pick every month for you and the free email list and made TNDM my pick for February – based not on some prediction of the future but on the technical position that the stock was in that showed that it was a superior opportunity than holding on to AAPL and hoping a broken stock would get better.
And yesterday showed that anyone who read my message of the 19th and sold AAPL and bought TNDM would have crushed it in a single day.
My message to AAPL bagholders (even Buffett has sold some of his shares) is LOOK WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE IF YOU WOULD HAVE SOLD!
But don’t worry you can still sell AAPL today and do something good next month.
Next month I will look for another free pick for you.
But I cannot give you all my trades and ideas that are reserved for my private Power Investor group. Yesterday I sent them an alert for an options trade that I put over $10,000 of my own money in.
If you think TNDM is fun you should see this one and my next one.
You can join the Power Investor group and get my big trades by grabbing the bonus offer with my Two Fold Formula book by clicking here.