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Yesterday, I talked with Jim Goddard of www.howestreet.com. Much on my mind were articles I wrote this week on how many commodities are defying historic seasonal trends by rallying this quarter instead of falling into the end of...
US Mortgage Rates have risen from levels near 2% to 2.25% earlier in 2021 to levels now above 3%. This increase in the cost of borrowing money for home purchases has a downward effect on home prices and sales....
The vast majority of market participants are about as ready for a semi-random "volatility event" as the dinosaurs were for the meteor strike that doomed them to oblivion.Judging by euphoric gambler--oops I mean "investor"--sentiment and measures of volatility, risk...
Is this “growing inequality” not a fact? Who really knows? But whether in some purely arithmetic sense it is or not, it would never have been made the basis for public policy proposals to “correct” the situation if statisticians...
arl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, included ten planks required to create a socialist dictatorship. Number five on the list is “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an...
Patrick Bet-David sits down with former Facebook moderator Shawn Speagle. In this interview they talk about his experience working at Facebook as a content moderator and some of the things he saw while working there.