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wsw staff
WSW Staff are independent writers and freelancers. If you have a news tip or are interested in submitting content to us go to our contact us form and let us know.

The Maui Fires and the Grotesque Mismanagement of a Disaster w/...

On this edition of Parallax Views, long-time Hawaii-based journalist Albert Lanier makes his return to Parallax Views to discuss the Maui wildfires that have...

Gold Miners’ Q2’23 Fundamentals – Adam Hamilton

The gold miners’ stocks have had a tough month, disproportionally pummeled lower on a relatively-minor gold pullback.  So naturally bearishness spiked, leaving this small...

Fitch Drops US Creditworthiness: Spending is the Reason – Vance Ginn

Fitch Ratings downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to AA+ because they expect fiscal deterioration over the next few years. While the diagnosis seems delayed,...

2021 to 2024: From “Revenge” Splurging to Forced Frugality – Charles...

After all, "they can always print more money." That's always the solution until it becomes the problem.What we call economics is best understood as:1. A mechanism...

Why Doctors Spend Millions on Fees That Could Be Spent on...

Why Doctors Spend Millions on Fees That Could Be Spent on Providing Careby Cezary PodkulProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for...

Tipping etiquette and norms are in flux − here’s how you...

Tipping etiquette and norms are in flux − here’s how you can avoid feeling flustered or ripped off ...