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wsw staff
WSW Staff are independent writers and freelancers. If you have a news tip or are interested in submitting content to us go to our contact us form and let us know.

Prying Open the Overton Window – Charles Hugh Smith (10/30/2019)

If you're truly interested in finding solutions to humanity's pressing problems, then start helping us pry open the Overton Window. The Overton Window describes ...

What gold companies should do for investors says Sprott’s Rick Rule...

Senior precious metals producers have hit a sweet spot where costs are going down and higher precious metals prices are going up,...

Poll: Americans Love Foreign Trade – Peter C. Earle (10/30/2019)

A recent Gallup poll reveals something that everyone except for the President and his chief economic adviser, Peter Navarro, seem to know: Americans love ...

Half a billion on Halloween pet costumes is latest sign of...

Half a billion on Halloween pet costumes is latest sign of America's out-of-control consumerism Jay L. Zagorsky, Boston University Halloween spending is out of control. Americans are...

The Market for Voting Machines Is Broken. This Company Has Thrived...

The Market for Voting Machines Is Broken. This Company Has Thrived in It.ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The...

Can Royalty and Victimhood Co-Exist? – Emma Freire (10/30/2019)

Can Royalty and Victimhood Co-Exist? It seems like everyone wants to be a victim these days. Terms like “microaggression” and “safe space” came out of...