wsw staff
The Unraveling Quickens – Charles Hugh Smith (11/01/2019)
Even if we don't measure the erosion of intangible capital, the social and political consequences of this impoverishment are manifesting in all...
Impeach Them All! F-35 Bipartisan Boondoggle Is The Real Crime! –...
With broad bi-partisan support, the Pentagon announced a massive
purchase of the practically useless F-35 fighter jets. The deeply
troubled aircraft might not do...
Why the Fed has no choice but to keep cutting interest...
Why the Fed has no choice but to keep cutting interest rates – if it wants to avoid a financial crisis
Father Brown and the Nature of Logic – Anders Koskinen (11/01/2019)
Father Brown and the Nature of Logic
Society seems to be rejecting logic, embracing a feelings-based approach to politics and other subjects instead. Experts and...
Baghdadi Dead Again Baseball – Ochelli Effect (11/01/2019)
Mike Swanson and Chuck discussed what is yet to come in financial news Tuesday night on The Ochelli Effect. They also discussed...
After Hearing Concerns About Trump Ukraine Call, White House Lawyer Rushed...
White House lawyer John Eisenberg reportedly rushed to hide the
transcript of President Donald Trump's July phone call with Ukraine's
leader on a highly...