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wsw staff
WSW Staff are independent writers and freelancers. If you have a news tip or are interested in submitting content to us go to our contact us form and let us know.

What’s Behind the Explosion of Pet Costumes? – Annie Holmquist (11/04/2019)

What’s Behind the Explosion of Pet Costumes? I did a double take reading a headline on The Conversation the other day. It appears that pets...

‘Another Gift’ to Big Business as Trump Treasury Moves to Eliminate...

President Donald Trump's Treasury Department on Thursday took the first step toward eliminating remaining regulations designed to prevent corporations from avoiding U.S. taxes by...

Even Louisiana’s Wealthier Neighborhoods Can’t Escape Toxic Air in “Cancer Alley”...

Even Louisiana’s Wealthier Neighborhoods Can’t Escape Toxic Air in “Cancer Alley”ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story...

QTR #155 – Jeff Macke Interview – Source – QTR Podcast...

Former CNBC Fast Money founder and host Jeff Macke joins me to share his insights on the state of retail stocks, the...

Apple, Amazon, and Tesla top list of millennial stock holdings –...

Apex Clearing CEO Bill Capuzzi breaks down millennial stock purchasing trends.

The Fed has moved “big buyers” into precious metals – Source...

Lower interest rates have prompted investors to return to the gold and silver sectors, this according to Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First...