wsw staff
‘Wow. Sondland Flipped’: Ambassador Testifies Trump Inner Circle All ‘In the...
U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland on Wednesday delivered an "explosive" opening statement for his impeachment testimony in
which he confirmed there was...
Oil Begins To Move Lower – Will Our Predictions Come True?...
Recently, we posted a multi-part research
post suggesting a collapse in Crude Oil could be setting up and how we believe
this decline in energy prices...
Trump wants negative interest rates but would they be good for...
Barings Chief Global Strategist Christopher Smart breaks down negative interest rates and the United States economy.
Corruption and institutional decay: Session three – Source – The Miller...
In session three of the UVA Democracy Initiative CLEAR lab launch, the presentation explores the basics of corruption and how it intersects with...
Daniel Ellsberg on America’s Hair-Trigger Nuclear Holocaust – Source – Scott...
Daniel Ellsberg on The Scott Horton Show discusses the Kings Bay Plowshares case, in which he was set to testify as an expert...
The Middle Class Is Now The Muddle Class – Charles Hugh...
The net result is the muddle class has the signifiers but not the wealth, power, capital or agency that once defined the...