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wsw staff
WSW Staff are independent writers and freelancers. If you have a news tip or are interested in submitting content to us go to our contact us form and let us know.

I’m buying silver for my kids, it’s the metal of 2020...

There is a case for silver if either the economy performs well or poorly in 2020, said Peter Hug, global trading director of...

Is This “The Top”? – Charles Hugh Smith (01/07/2020)

Parabolic moves end when the confidence that the parabolic move can't end becomes the consensus. The consensus seems to be that the stock market is...

What would happen if foreign troops are expelled from Iraq?I Inside...

Iraqi parliament votes to remove foreign troops, drawing sanctions threat from US president The Middle East is grappling with the United States' assassination...

Not Losing Sight of the Classical Liberal Ideal – Richard M....

In the midst of the Second World War, the famous Austrian-born economist Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950), published his famous book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy ...

Money, Expectations, and Economic Growth – Frank Shostak (01/07/2020)

In various writings, Milton Friedman argued that there is a variable lag between changes in money supply and its effect on real output and...

In Iran showdown, conflict could explode quickly – and disastrously –...

In Iran showdown, conflict could explode quickly – and disastrously ...