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Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson
Mike Swanson is the founder and editor of WallStreetWindow.com. He has a Masters Degree in History from the University of Virginia, but went into the world of finance, instead of academia. From 2003 to 2006 he co-managed a hedge fund. He is also the author of several books, including works on the history of Danville, Virginia, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and stock trading strategies, all of which are available at Amazon.com.

This Fad Tech Stock Is Now A Breakout Candidate – Mike...

This stock used to be talked about almost every single night on the "Fast Money" show back when it came up, but then it...

If You Are Not In Bitcoin Be Glad That You Are...

If you are like me then you went to a party or two this Christmas and had to suffer through a manic conversation with...

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends

Understanding the technical analysis of stock trends is a key to making money in the stock market even if you are using fundamental analysis...

Learn Technical Analysis

Take Charge Of Your Investment Decisions Using Technical Analysis< Hello my name is Mike Swanson. I can tell you about using technical analysis in stock...

This Day in Wikileaks – Understanding Julian Assange and the US...

Computer programmer and activist Julian Assange created WikiLeaks in 2006, but he did not begin to receive media attention until December 2007, when he...

Top Eight (8) Business Inventions That Makes Businesses Easier To Run...

Businesses are complex by nature. It takes human labor, materials, and equipment, among others, to make a business work. Hard work and dedication are...