Michael Swanson
Five Doomed Stocks – Stock Market Update For October 2018 –...
In this video I go through five stocks that are in the Nasdaq 100 that are showing big warning signs on their technical analysis...
Where Is The Best Place To Put Investment Money Now? –...
I just posted an interview I did with David Skarica about several stock and ETF situations we are either watching or involved in now. ...
The Tesla Musk SEC Woes and More – Stock Market Update...
Like this video so that we know that you are there. In this video I talked with David Skarica of addictedtoprofits.net to get his take...
Where Does Gold Now After It Fades The September Fed Meeting?...
What I suspected was going to happen to gold after this week's Fed meeting has happened as I wrote in a post a few...
Ochelli Effect – Historiography and the JFK Assassination – Mike Swanson...
On Tuesday I was live on The Ochelli Effect and talked about the future of historiography and the JFK assassination. To listen to this MP3...
This Week’s Federal Reserve Meeting and Gold Prices (ABX Buys RGLD)...
The Federal Reserve is going to meet this week and raise interest rates. The last time they did that in June gold prices ended...