Home Authors Posts by Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson

Michael Swanson
Mike Swanson is the founder and editor of WallStreetWindow.com. He has a Masters Degree in History from the University of Virginia, but went into the world of finance, instead of academia. From 2003 to 2006 he co-managed a hedge fund. He is also the author of several books, including works on the history of Danville, Virginia, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and stock trading strategies, all of which are available at Amazon.com.

This Key Stock Sector Completed a Bottom Formation Last Week –...

Whenever the stock market takes a dip it gives us information on what is likely to become the next leading sector of the stock...

Ochelli Effect – Keep America on Top Financial Market Program Falters...

On Tuesday I was live on The Ochelli Effect at 8:00 PM and talked about the stock market dip last week and how the...

Interview – Last Week’s Market Drop Not Panic Selling – Mike...

Last week's US stock market drop brought a bid into gold and mining stocks that is likely to last.

A Huge Global Market Shift Took Place Last Week (Important Chart)...

I want to show you a real interesting chart that shows that a major trend change took place last week. It is a chart of...

How To Spot A Fake Stock Market Bottom Today And A...

Yesterday we saw a brutal drop in the DOW as it fell over 800 points and the Nasdaq closed below its 200-day moving average. In...

A Hidden Regional Stock Market Crash Just Happened – Mike Swanson...

We are seeing stress in global markets and commodities return this week.  I know that all people are talking about right now is the...