Since New Years I have been doing multiple Youtube videos a week, pounding the drum on buying gold, silver, and commodity related trades. Those trades are now paying off big time. I sought to draw people’s attention to that window of opportunity, but even though I believe those markets are going to go up for a long-time, that great buy point trade I have been talking about has worked and is now complete. I am positioned and do not plan on selling for awhile, but have no plans to buy more. I have lost motivation in doing more videos about it as my great entry point has come and gone.
I’m not a crypto guru that engages in hype, but use charts and analysis to find great opportunities. I do not know when another great one is going to come and I do not feel like doing anymore videos until I see a really important turn happening in a market to talk to you about.
As a result this is going to be the last Youtube video I do for a long time.
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