Get ready for a two-part series hosted by Gary Bohm on Metals and Miners! When will the music finally stop on the markets ripping higher, and are gold and commodities setting up for a huge once-in-a-generation rally?
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Our discussion includes the following questions and topics:
- Do you think inflation expectations will continue to rip higher or level off? If the Fed raised the inflation rate target from 2% to 3%, what would be the implications?
- Do you see a blowoff top happening in the markets? How will market participants react if this does come to pass?
- How low do you think the S&P500 could fall? Will the music stop this year?
- What would happen if the US Dollar goes into a prolonged period of weakness?
- How big could the gold surge go? Are we in a new supercycle?
- Are you in the metals and miners right now?
- What are you seeing with regard to a reset for the market and for gold?
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Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the interview date but may not be accurate in the future.