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Setting Proper Expectations While Learning How To Trade/Invest For Growth Using ETFs – Chris Vermeulen

Continuing with our sneak peek week, welcome to an example of the Monday video report our CGS subscribers receive.

Typically I will cover market movements from a high level perspective, going over the pops and drops, market sentiment, ETF trends, and market phases of the preceding week and then looking at where the markets may be headed next.

I will often also include my thoughts on a frequently asked question – and the main topic of last week’s emails was why our CGS strategy is out of the market and protecting our capital at the moment.

Click on the image below for my full analysis.

Having watched that, my question for you is:

Do you have what it takes to survive the choppy stage three topping phase without jumping ship from one strategy to another and back again?

Chris Vermeulen

If you want a game-changing approach to owning only rising assets—even in bear markets, and want to put your IRA on autopilot, these investing signals could be what you have been looking for.