Chris sits down with Craig Hemke of Sprott Money to talk about their Precious Metals forecast and the maximum financial risk. The big question is, in what phase are we in the stock market cycles? Are we in this pullback phase, or have we already seen the market top out? Energy has been on fire, precious metals are just starting to break out, and utilities are at an all-time high.
Behind the scenes, it feels like we are in this red zone, the peak, the maximum financial risk we think you can put investment capital into. The key takeaway from this overall stock market cycle is where we are “in the risk.” If you put money right now in the market, there’s very little upside left before the market has a re-evaluation event which is more or less a bear market.
Overall, we are at a unique time in the markets. Remember, typically the stock market moves before the economy. So if the economy is collapsing we will usually see the stock market bottom before that. Conversely, the stock market will peak right before the economy follows suit.
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Disclaimer: None of this material is meant to be construed as investment advice. It is for education and entertainment purposes only. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.