Caesars Entertainment is one of the largest casino companies in the United States and is in the process of building a casino in Danville, Virginia. Not everyone outside of the area has known of this, but I believe word is going to start to get out because the company is now starting to promote this fact to its customers. I know this, because I went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago and stayed at one of their properties. Each of their rooms has a special Caesars Magazine, which talks about the coming Danville casino. I took a snapshot of the cover for you.

Inside the magazine is this spread, with Danville highlighted.

While I was in Las Vegas, I played poker in one of their casinos and one of the people who sat next to me said he was from Raleigh, North Carolina.
He didn’t know the casino was coming and didn’t even know where Danville was, even though it is less than two hours away from him, probably about ninety minutes.
Caesars Entertainment has a property in Cherokee, North Carolina, but he said that it was too far for him to want to drive to.
Well, Danville isn’t.
And there are two million people in the Triangle area of North Carolina and about a million and a half in the Piedmont area of the state too, which includes Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High-Point, and so forth. And then there is Charlotte.
The company is going to put Danville on the map for all of these people interested in their type of entertainment.
Notice how they have it as their number one project in this magazine. “Caesars Virginia will be an economic driver for the region, both as a tourist and entertainment draw and through the more than a thousand good-paying jobs the resort will create,” said Anthony Carano, President and Chief Operating Officer of Caesars Entertainment last year. “The people of Danville have entrusted us to build a world-class resort, and we look forward to proving that trust was well founded with an incredible resort worthy of the iconic Caesars brand.”
But, check out this map of the population trends across the United States in the past few years.

The population in Danville and Pittsylvania has been stagnate in the past year and actually shrank in the preceding decade. Henry County has even seen more of a population drop, while the Triangle and Piedmont areas of North Carolina have grown.
The casino and other projects are going to turn Danville and Pittsylvania County into one of the bright green spots on this map soon.
People are getting ready for that.
It’s time to get ready.