Last week I was live on The Ochelli Effect. From the show notes – “In the first hour of the show, we got a visit from the informative voice that is Mike Swanson. What does the man behind say about the Wall Street Casino and the rest of the money game? Does the economy just suck for you? Is the Netflix model going to let us see where the next bursting bubble will buckle? Is the cookie-cutter business model of local news setting an uninformed trend for consumers with no attention spans? On the second hour of the broadcast we scheduled JG Michael but he didn’t show up. So Chuck opened up the phone and got one caller. The ever-present Jimmy James and the ever-talking Mr.O engaged in a conversation that may or may not have gone through revelations. You will have to decide. Next Thursday Larry Hancock will join the regular rotation of co-hosts and Thursday Nights will never be the same again.”