The news and sports media have been focused on the recent
confrontation between the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the
Chinese government due to a tweet by the general manager of the Houston
Rockets about recent pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong that
brought down the wrath of China. While many commentaries have focused on
the NBA’s attempt to placate the Chinese authorities in the face of
losing millions if not billions of dollars in lost revenues in the
Chinese market, less attention has been given to what lies behind it
all: a government’s ability to shut down commercial dealings between
willing participants by simple command.
It all began when Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey posted a
personal tweet that said, “Flight for freedom, stand for Hong Kong.” For
several months massive and sometimes violent demonstrations have been
going on in the former British colony of Hong Kong. When the British
Union Jack was lowered from the last flag pole in Hong Kong in 1997,
there was an agreement between London and Beijing that for several
decades Chinese authority within the former colony would not interfere
with many if not most of the freedoms that people had enjoyed for a good
part of the time since 1842, when Hong Kong came under British
China’s Threats to Freedom in Hong Kong
The arrangement was known as “One Country, Two Systems,” meaning that
on the Chinese mainland, the Communist Party ruled with their existing
authoritarian power, while in Hong Kong, many of the internal affairs of
the territory would remain untouched by Beijing. But especially in
recent years, the Chinese government has been attempting to eat away at
the freedoms enjoyed by the people of Hong Kong, including freedom of
speech and the press, which has often taken the form of harsh
commentaries on Chinese government domestic and foreign policies.
What set off the demonstrations early in the summer of 2019 was a
proposed law that would more easily compel the extradition to China of
those accused of illegal acts against Chinese law. The extradition
proposal itself was really less than it was made out to be, given other
Chinese encroachments on Hong Kong freedoms. It was more like a
straw-that-breaks-the-camel’s-back that sent waves of people, weekend
after weekend, into the streets of the city. The demonstrators’ demands
have been not only a withdrawing of the extradition legislation, but
demands that the Chinese government respect the freedom of the people of
Hong Kong in general, with even some voices calling for Hong Kong’s
China’s Domestic Authoritarianism and Global Imperialism
Chinese President Xi Jinping has not only been tightening the
authoritarian screws at home against any and all dissent against him or
his government, he has been far more aggressively nationalistic in his
foreign policies, insisting on reestablishing a global place in the sun
for China through a grand mercantilist-type vision of growing Chinese
influence and power over many other parts of the world. (See my article “Economic Armaments and China’s Global Ambitions.”)
Many if not most territories “lost” by China in past centuries are
often expressed as fair game to once more bring back into the
administrative fold of those in Beijing. Thus, the Chinese government
insists that a good part of the South China Sea is “historical” Chinese
territory, on which they have been building a series of artificial
islands and demanding that other nations stay out of these newly
established territorial waters without their permission.
It is equally on this basis that Beijing says that Hong Kong as well
as the self-ruling island of Taiwan is part of China. It is the reason
the Chinese government opposes “separatist” talk concerning Tibet or
among the Muslim Uighur population in the huge western region of
Xinjiang, where from all accounts the Chinese authorities have
incarcerated upward of a million Uighurs in “re-education camps” that
others call mass detention centers; reportedly harsh and even brutal
treatment is experienced by those who challenge those who rule over them
in these camps. (See my article “Freedom and the Right of Self-Determination.”)
A Tweet Brings China Down on the NBA
So, given the direction of Chinese domestic and foreign policy, when
Daryl Morey tweeted his support for the Hong Kong demonstrators and
their cause, this immediately set off the ire of the Chinese government.
All media and public broadcasting of Houston Rocket basketball events
were banned from the Chinese airwaves. Rockets team sportswear and
paraphernalia were banned from sale in China. This was followed by the
end to a wide variety of business and other commercial relationships
between the NBA in general and Chinese businesses, including the threat
of breaking endorsement and other ties between leading American
basketball players and Chinese companies.
Millions, if not billions, of dollars of revenues were now at risk of
being lost, all because of a tweet and the hesitation by the NBA and
individual team owners and representatives to unequivocally distance
themselves from the Houston Rockets, or the Rockets’ own partial
apologies for offending the “Chinese people.”
In the United States, conservative and “progressive” politicians and
pundits lambasted the NBA for not standing up to the Chinese government
and its attempt to hinder the freedom of speech of NBA administrators
and team members. The NBA was told by voices all across the U.S.
political spectrum that their reluctance to tell the Chinese authorities
“Hell, No” demonstrated that the NBA and the individual teams placed
the fear of lost profits above the political principle of freedom of
speech. It showed the decadence of “capitalism” and the greed of those
interested only in money.
Some of these pundits pointed out the hypocrisy of the NBA, which has
heralded the right and freedom of its players to publicly speak out
against “social injustice” and the policies of the current president of
the United States, but which now kowtowed to a foreign government
threatening its financial bottom line from lost business in China.
China’s Reaction to the NBA and the Importance of Economic Liberty
What has been missed in all this, I would suggest, is the important
institutional dilemma when any government has the power and authority to
dictate with whom its own citizens do business and on what basis and
terms of exchange. That the day after Morey’s tweet suddenly all of the
leading Chinese media outlets and enterprises doing business with the
Rockets and the NBA in general announced that they were halting or
cancelling their dealings with the Americans makes it very clear that
this was not a “spontaneous” series of acts by private Chinese citizens
simultaneously upset with the words and deeds of their American business
This was a command coming from the Beijing government authorities to
whom all those Chinese enterprises — public and private — are absolutely
answerable for their existence and financial survival. Even think of
disobeying, and literally “heads would roll” in terms of being fired
from state enterprises and having your legal ability to operate
threatened in your nominally “private” enterprise.
It should have demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that however
much China has been praised for its four decades of economic reforms in
a direction permitting degrees of individual initiative and private
business, the entire Chinese economy remains under the microscopic
control and command of the government. If and when businesses are left
alone by the Chinese government, it is when those directing and managing
those enterprises are doing what is explicitly or implicitly in the
directions the Chinese authorities wants them to be moving.
And when those doing the central planning of the Chinese economy,
starting with President Xi at the top, want any or all of those
enterprisers to do different things differently, they are instantly at
the beck and call of those holding the power of life and death over them
and their businesses. This is the meaning of “socialism with Chinese
characteristics.” Others might call it economic fascism, under which
businesses may nominally be in private hands, but it is the government
that ultimately determines and dictates how those in charge of their
businesses go about doing business. In other words, economic fascism is
simply socialism with nominal (and not real) private-enterprise
Beijing Regularly Threatens American Businesses
The Chinese government has used this power to strong-arm American
companies doing business in China numerous times over the years,
including being at the service of the communist authorities in their
attempt to surveil everyone in the country and dictate the type of
political, social, economic, and historical information that will be
accessible to citizens of China. In other instances, it has concerned an
American company sharing proprietary technology with a Chinese
enterprise with which it wants to do business. And at other times, it
has been more crassly materialistic, with the expectation that a U.S.
company will give a bribe or appoint some government higher-up’s son or
nephew to a well-paying position in a joint U.S.–Chinese enterprise
In this latest instance concerning the NBA, it is demanding that a
group of American sports teams either keep their collective mouths shut
on political matters dear to the Chinese government or parrot the
Communist Party ideological line, after giving the necessary public and
groveling apology for daring to challenge anything said or done by the
rising global power of the 21st century.
In the hysteria of an American political election season, the worst
thing that could happen would be if politicians and pundits now propose
to legislate or regulate the response by the NBA or the Houston Rockets
to the Chinese government. With all the chatter about the Chinese
attempting to abridge the freedom of speech of Americans through the
weapon of financial intimidation if they want to do business in China,
it then would be the U.S. government dictating what those sports teams
and their NBA representatives could say and agree to in trying to
salvage their growing business in China.
The U.S. authorities would be merely doing a political variation on
the same commanding-and-controlling theme that the Chinese government is
accused of doing. Plus, the establishment of such a precedent would
only reinforce the degree to which the U.S. government already
regulates, controls, restricts, and commands American enterprises in far
too many ways and directions.
Donald Trump Cannot Dictate People’s Words or Actions
Those who have suggested hypocrisy in the NBA, in that domestically
it encourages players to publicly express their political and social
views on a variety of American policy-related issues, but cowers in fear
before the Chinese government over a tweet, forget an important
difference: the U.S. government cannot just shut down those teams and
destroy their financial viability.
There is much made of President Donald Trump’s huffing and puffing about football players who kneel during the national anthem at the beginning of a game, or that he says how the mainstream media are out to get him and declares much of what they print and say to be “fake news.” His critics accuse him of trying to intimidate those who wish nothing more than express their views under the First Amendment to the Constitution and speak their minds as citizens of a democratic society.
There is one important difference in the words and actions of Donald
Trump and those of President Xi Jinping and his government in China:
Donald cannot command that all companies doing business with the NFL in
terms of products, media coverage, or endorsement contracts are to stop
doing so until every football player who has kneeled during the national
anthem publicly apologize for “offending the American people” and
promises to happily stand and sing along at the start of every game from
now on.
Nor can the president of the United States order the firing of the
heads of CNN or MSNBC, or command that Fox News get back in line never
criticizing anything he says or does, like as good Trumpians they used
to always do. The strength of freedom of speech in the United States is
demonstrated by the fact that no matter how much Donald Trump may rant
and rave, the mainstream media continues to report and editorialize just
the way they want, no matter how much they say that he is a friend of
fascism and an enemy of freedom.
Freedom Requires Separating Markets From the State
Why and how can they do this? Because in spite of the degree to which
the government influences and regulates much in the American
marketplace, it still remains institutionally grounded in an important
and respected degree of personal freedom, private property, and freedom
of enterprise outside of Chinese-style heavy-handed central planning. It
is precisely because of the remaining degree of free enterprise in the
United States, again, even with the existing interventionist and
regulatory intrusions and controls, that sports teams and their members
can make public statements of disagreement without being shut down,
driven out of business, or arrested as “enemies of the people.” And the
same applies to conflicting and competing news reporting and
editorializing in the various forms of mass communication.
The essential lesson that should be drawn from this recent dispute
between the National Basketball Association and the communist government
of China is not that administrators and players in the NBA are being
intimidated to make public apologies and toe the party line, but that
this is why friends of freedom should always be concerned about and
argue against government involvement and regulatory oversight and
control over private enterprise and the free market.
It is not only that government regulation over business misdirects
how and what private enterprises do, which deflects them away from
competitively trying to find the best ways of satisfying consumer
demands as the means to earning profits. That is certainly true.
Equally if not more importantly in terms of freedom in society, it is
that every introduction and extension of government control, command,
and regulation over the private affairs of the marketplace threatens the
liberty of the citizenry. How you manage and direct your enterprise as a
businessman; where and at what type of work you will be able to earn a
living; and with whom you may do business and under what terms. All
these become more and more dependent not on your free choices and
voluntary associations with others on mutually agreed-upon terms, but
upon the fate and favors of those in political power, and their goals
and agenda to which you must conform or suffer potentially devastating
It is not just classical liberal ideologizing about the importance of separating the marketplace from the state, private enterprise from political control. The dilemma that the NBA and its affiliates find themselves in with the Chinese government is the latest example of why a free society is not sustainable without a functioning free market that is widely free and independent from the power of those in political authority.