Home The Past American Century New Developments In JFK Assassination Research With Doug Campbell of The Dallas...

New Developments In JFK Assassination Research With Doug Campbell of The Dallas Action – Mike Swanson (04/07/2019)

In this segment of The Past American Century I spoke with Doug Campbell of the podcast The Dallas Action about new developments in JFK assassination research.

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You can find Doug’s show here:


Among topics we discussed was a recent story about Rolf Mowatt-Larssen who spoke at a conference in Sante New Mexico:


He was a CIA career employee who once served as Station Chief in Moscow and says that he did his own personal investigation into the assassination.

You can see his biography at Foreignpolicy.com:


Doug did a show about what he is saying here:

Also discussed Gene Wheaton, Daniel Sheehan, and Loran Hall and Harold Wiesberg.  Check out this episode Doug did on the latter two:

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