To kick off New Years I launched a special free book give away. There are now only 46 copies left so if you want to get your copy go here now:
Now yesterday I did a
Now when I am out and about the one stock peopl ask me about more than any other is Apple.
And there is a funny thing about Apple.
It is now one of the worst performing stocks in the entire stock market. By being ranked at the bottom 20 of all 500 stocks in the S&P 500 by performance since October 1st it is acting as a millstone inside people’s accounts making them lag the markets and lose account value.
Take a look at the chart.

And yet despite this terrible performance this is also the most owned stock by more people now than any other! In Robinhood more people own it than any other stock. Same in Ameritrade. Same everywhere.
Apple reminds me of CSCO back in 1999. It was a top stock for years considered a “blue chip must own” that everyone owned and it became a stock market laggard for over a decade.
Apple cut its Iphone production by 10% this week.
Today news in China is that retailers have slashed the Iphone
And really they aren’t.
But Apple stock isn’t going to zero.
So here is my simple prediction on it – Apple will continue to lag the stock market and gold prices will outperform the Apple share price over the next decade just like gold did with CSCO stock from 2000 to 2010!
I shake my head when I see guys on CNBC and elsewhere make Apple their top pick every single day they talk.
To me, it tells me I’m looking at someone with no ideas of their own as it is the stock everyone talks about and already owns!
These “experts” are either lazy and do no work or are total conformists.
What is for sure is that they are boring.
In most situations, people can get far enough to be comfortable by becoming a crowd follower and conforming. It might become boring, but people rise up in the corporate structures and government bureauracy by doing that.
But for real investing success in the long-run you can’t just be a crowd follower at times of change.
Every year you have to go look for the new bull sectors and follow trend changes.
My book will show you what to look for to do just that. Grab it by going here: