The Biggest Bubble In Human History is Starting to Deflate (Not Stocks)

All attention so far in 2018 has been focused on the stock market as it has become more volatile, but behind that story the biggest bubble in human history has started to deflate and it isn't stocks.

Read this report below and discover...

  • Why this bubble reached a manic danger point and tipped down just a few months ago.
  • A simple solution to this coming bubble bust disruption before it becomes a problem.
  • Five danger stocks that you need to avoid now being impacted.

These Five Stocks Are Doomed


The Biggest Bubble In Human History Is Starting to Deflate (Not Stocks) – Mike Swanson

Some huge things are starting to happen in the financial markets and risks are growing.

But the biggest risks going forward in the next few years are not really in the stock market.

The thing is that all everyone in the markets tends to look at is what the stock market is doing and the market has been very volatile this year since my favorite stock market sentiment indicator hit an extreme in bullishness for all my years of trading back in January before the DOW peak before fading in February

But the market bounced back to peak again in September.  This more recent drop has been much more crushing to individual popular stocks like AAPL and FB and is a warning sign that more drops are likely to come next year.

Really a stock market bear market in 2019 is something to prepare for as I talked about in this video:

But something bigger is happening than the stock market. Right in front of us the biggest bubble in human history appears to have topped and is starting to deflate.  I'm talking about corporate bonds.

This will be the defining factor of the next few years.

I’m talking about interest rates and bond prices (the two move opposite to one another so when yields on a bond go down it’s price goes up).

After 2008 the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world lowered interest rates to zero and then engaged in “QE” money printing programs to buy bonds and make stocks go up.

When the market dumped in 2010 and 2011 for a few weeks the answer became more QE.

And in 2016, which was the last time the Nasdaq fell 20% from a high, central banks in Europe launched a massive QE of their own.

Those operations drove interest rates around the world to their lowest levels in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY.

Look at this chart and you can see what I mean.

If you can remember back in 2016 there were government bonds in Europe that were yielding NEGATIVE interest rates.

This meant that if you bought them and held them you were guaranteed to lose money.

And people were doing it, because they though the bond prices would continue to rise!

Never before in human history had government bonds ever done that before.

And now those negative yields are gone.

But what all of this did was drive US corporate bonds to record highs and their yields to record lows.

So companies took advantage of that moment to borrow record amounts of money much of which they went to use for stock buybacks.

And that helped the stock market go up.

Corporate debt grew so fast that it has now reached the level seen at important disruptive turning points in the markets as you can see from this chart.

The bond bubble is slowly starting to deflate now, because just a few weeks ago the US corporate bond market topped out and is now trading below it’s 200-day moving average to begin a new bear market.

In time as corporate bonds fall the buybacks will end as the cost for companies to issue new debt rises.

This is the biggest financial bubble in human history and it is now starting to deflate.

You can’t notice it yet, but in time it will have an impact on everything.

So in the coming years you can expect to see stocks and bonds go down together.

In 2008 it was a housing bubble bust that crashed the stock market that fall.

In the bear market before that it was a crash in internet stocks that drove everything else down.

The next bear market in the US stock market will be caused by falling junk bonds and the end of massive stock buybacks.

The biggest problem most Americans have right now though is not the fact that they own stocks and are bullish on them, but that they think they are in “safe” investments well diversified by having 1/3 or even 1/2 of their money in bonds that are not going to be safe in this next cycle and are going to go down instead of up like

This chart is the of the biggest and most widely owned bond ETF's by American investors.

It’s for corporate bonds and it yields 5.69%.

It is also down -6.1% year to date even though the stock market is down this year.

In the past bonds would go up when stocks fall, but that is no longer happening.

A 6.1% drop is not enough to scare anyone now, but in time bonds holders are going to get very angry when the losses grow and if it happens with stocks falling at same time as I expect it will become brutal.

Now I simply define a bear market as one in which something goes below its 150 and 200-day moving averages and those averages trend down and then act as resistance. That is now happening with bond funds and this looks like the textbook start of a new bear market that is going to last for years and hurt most American investors.

I believe the simple solution of course is to diversify out of bonds and US dollar centric investments with at least a portion of one’s money.

That means looking at investing in gold in a serious way once the time is right for it.

What I am talking about in this post is the biggest bubble in world history and perhaps the biggest financial turning point in the markets in our lifetime starting in front of our eyes and I have only touched the surface on this. We’re just looking at the charts not even talking about why this is happening.

Since 1980 there has been a secular bond bull market in which whenever stocks fell bonds went up.

That is what everyone is used too, but now things are changing and it's starting to hurt some key sectors and widely owned stocks inside the stock market.

There are some things now that are ready to drop and should be considered doomed.

There are in fact five stocks that are widely owned inside the Nasdaq 100 that I would not buy now and would even consider selling if you own them.

I just made an important new report for you on these five stocks.  You can grab it for free and get my next market update by clicking here.

I also am preparing for 2019.  I believe there are things that will go up and you can get my whole Bear Market Power Pack game plan by going here. is founded by Michael Swanson, a former hedge fund manager who has been trading the market since the 1990's.  He is the author of the book Strategic Stock Trading and also has a Masters Degree in History from the University of Virginia. Subscribe to his free email list to get his future stock market and trading updates.

Mike Swanson

These Five Stocks Are Doomed