Navigate This New Stock Market Cycle With Mike Swanson
As the bond curve begins to invert to warn that the economic expansion that began in 2009 is nearing its peak we know that winter is approaching for the stock market. A new cycle turn will create new bull markets in new sectors and asset classes while past fad stocks falter. Our Bear Market Power Pack will give you a game plan for this situation and a trial to Mike Swanson's Power Investor Group will enable you to navigate these markets alongside him. Grab them together by clicking here.
Winter Is Coming For The Stock Market
The year 2017 brought with it the smallest amount of stock market volatility in the DOW in 100 years as it only went up or down more than a percent fewer times in a day than last seen in 1917! But now recently the stock market volatility is picking up and getting extreme. This is a characteristic of a topping phase in the stock market much like was seen in 2000 and 2007. It means that a new bear market is on the horizon for the stock market. Winter is coming.
My Experience Tells Me That The Solution Is Simple
In case you don't know who I am my name is Michael Swanson and I first started to trade in the 1990’s when I put $15,000 into a new brokerage account. I didn’t know what I was doing and I put all of that money into one single stock. I had no trouble pulling the trigger and buying things, but had no plan on when to sell.
I was lucky because it was a time much like last year in which stocks would go straight up and I doubled my account in less than a month.
But I didn’t know what I was doing and I just chased stocks and almost lost my entire account. I got to the point where I only had $7,000 left in it and I had to do something. I admitted to myself that I was really chasing the moves and that I needed to do something real.
I needed to go from gambling bets to more certain setups with a plan to get out. I had to find a price pattern setup in the markets that would work and would repeat as much as possible. I knew what the best pattern had to do. It had to lead to the largest amount of gains in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of risk.
And so I did the study and work needed to find such a pattern. And I went on to co-manage a hedge fund for several years and now have over a million dollars. I got out of the hedge fund world and became a financial writer and released the book The Two Fold Formula, which details the single best buying pattern that I have ever used. Writing is my passion, because it gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge with thousands of people and run my own private trading group with a few hundred.
I have been doing this for three decades and have seen many changes in market cycles, which I call stages.
Now my Two Fold Formula works best in stocks and sectors that are at the end of a stage one basing phase or at the start of a new stage two bull market.
It will not work right now to use to buy stocks like FB or AAPL or many of the other popular big cap tech stocks, because they are actually in a stage four bear market trading below their 200-day moving averages that are sloped down to act as resistance on them going forward.
This is scaring people and causing a lot of people in the stock market to feel trapped.
The problem is most investors feel like their only choice is to hold everything they own - which they know means possibly losing a lot of money - or selling what they own - which means they could be left behind if things go up.
So they just get frozen and more and more worried as things go on.
But this isn't necessary, because this isn't the only choice they have.
It was during the years 2003 to 2006 that I co-managed a hedge fund with a partner of mine and we generated a return during that time that got the fund ranked in the top 40 of all hedge funds tracked by industry website hedgefund.net.
We did this by shorting stocks and by owning gold stocks.
When the market cycles change you see there are new sectors and asset classes that begin new bull markets to create huge gains for those that move their money into them.
Now I got out of the hedge fund world, because I simply found it too stressful for myself to manage other people's money.
I also saw another stock market dump coming and took my own money and made a big bet in 2008 shorting the stock market into the crash of that year that enabled me to make a 50% return on all of my money. So I made so much money that I didn't need to work again. But hey trading the markets is fun when you know what you are doing!
Today though I don't make big risks or big bets and you don't need to do so either. Simple money management techniques can make this game easy even with increasing stock market volatility.
Today I'm actually excited about the opportunities in the financial markets now ahead of us and am releasing my Bear Market Power Pack to give you my game plan for the years ahead. It also includes a trial to my private Power Investor trading group so you will have access to my Seven Position Portfolio.
The typical US stock market investor is now trapped and frozen in stocks like FB and AAPL. The simple solution is to look beyond these popular now loser stocks to see the better opportunities now here for us. That means learning how to find them and being with the right people doing it.
Grab this combo offer and here is what you'll get.
The Bear Market Power Pack
As we enter the final weeks of 2018 we are not in a bear market yet for the S&P 500, but it is becoming more and more likely now almost every day that one is coming in 2019.
I put together this course to help you identify the start of the next bear market and to show you what changes you can make to not only manage things better when it begins, but to also profit from it. Once you purchase this Bear Market Power Pack Combo Offer you will have instant access to these modules. They are a series of videos you will be able watch at your own convenience on your computer, ipad, or any other internet access device you may use. These modules could be sold separately for the price of a DVD each, but you will get all of them for free.
This is my roadmap for the next few years. It's a game plan for you to use that will take you way beyond the one choice trap most American investors keep themselves locked into. It is a simple solution I have created for anyone to break free from that needless trap.
The modules consist of the following:
Includes 30-day Risk-Free Power Investor Trial
Along with the Bear Market Power Pack you will receive what may be the most important thing you ever grab when it comes to the financial markets and that is a trial test-drive membership to my private trading group.
WallStreetWindow Power Investor is my private inner circle stock market mastermind group and trading service. In this group are people from all walks of life. They include retirees, business owners, school teachers, and even a few hedge fund managers and institutional investors. One man who joined even managed over a billion dollars in investment money.
Although this is a very serious and high level group, it is also a group that even stock market beginners can benefit from, because it uses the principles outlined in my investment books and The Two Fold Formula.
All my best info goes to this group! If you have followed me for awhile then you may have heard me in many of the frequent interviews I do or have read some of the emails I send out for free.
Well all of that info is typically delayed by weeks and sometimes months, because the private Power Investor members always get it first.
And they have access to trading alerts to my real money Seven Position Portfolio.
So when you are in this group you'll find out when I sell a position and replace it with a new one with an instant alert. You will know not only when I buy a new position, but when I sell it too.
There is nothing like this group, because this is the closest thing to guided trading that there is.
Today things change can start to change for you with these alerts.
In the Power Investor updates I will also share with you my own stock market sector analysis to help you put into practice in real time the concepts you will learn from me as we look ahead together to what opportunities are emerging in the markets.
Reading these updates will keep you informed about everything going on in the financial markets and give you a leg up on everyone else.
The Power Investor Service renews at the price of $97.00 every 30-days. Your first 30-days are free as a trial membership. If you decide it is not for you all you have to do is cancel before the trial period is over and you will not be charged anything beyond today's payment.
All of my best ideas begin in the group and it is time for you to get first access to them.
Summary of What You Get
For the price of $47.00 you will have instant access to The Bear Market Power Pack and begin your 30-day trial to the Power Investor Membership Group. You can cancel the trial or let the trial renew for another 30-days at the price of $97. The membership renews automatically every 30-days until you decide to cancel it. Just click the buy button to begin.
Important Usage: What will happen once you click the buy now button is simple. After you hit the buy button you will be taken to a page where you can fill in enter email address and credit card or paypal details. This will be verified instantly and you will be sent an email with access information.
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