Home Authors Posts by Mike Swanson

Mike Swanson

I am the owner of this website and its chief editor. For more about me hit the about us page in the top navbar. To get on my free stock trading update list scroll on down and put your email into the subscribe box.

Stock Picking Strategies

You see people hand out stock picks all of the time on television, articles, and pay services. People crave ideas that will make...

Relative Strength Investing Strategies for Your Portfolio – Mike Swanson (09/12/2016)

In this video I show you how to apply relative strength investing strategies to your own portfolio to help you decide what stuff is...

How Many Stocks Should You Own?

How Many Stocks Should I Own? How many positions do you need to own to be properly diversified? If you have all of your...

Subscribe Below and Get Our Free Weekly Geoplitical Intelligence Briefing

Every single day the President of the United States recieves a daily intelligence report to inform him of what is going on in the...

Should You Buy Gold?

Should You Invest in Gold? You may be asking yourself if you should consider gold as an investment. You are probably hearing mixed advice on...

Bear Market Signs and Warnings

Bear Market History It is common in the financial media to define a bear market happening once the stock market falls 20% or more. ...