As we close out this first week of July I want to talk with you about my number one stock pick right now – and why it’s my top pick.
And yes I own this stock!
The stock is KL, which is the symbol for Kirkland Gold. It’s a company with massive earnings growth as it has increased its gold production this year while cutting its cost per ounce at the same time and is set to do this even more in the coming years.
The stock has been on fire as you can see from this chart.

There are a few things that make this my top pick.
First of all notice the two relative strength plots at the bottom of this chart comparing its action to the S&P 500 and the XAU gold stock index as they are both trending up.
This means that KL is outperforming both the S&P 500 and its own sector.
Generally speaking you want to own individual stocks that are beating the stock market and are leading a sector that is also beating the S&P 500 too.
That is how you beat the market.
KL of course is doing that!
But KL also is posting huge earnings growth from a nice valuation.
These are two of the key technical and fundamental factors that come together to make part of what I called my Two Fold Formula for picking out stocks.
Should you buy this stock now?
Now I actually put out a buy alert on KL in my private trading group in May with an entry point of $32.88 to make it one my Top Seven Trading Positions.
So far we have a gain of over twenty-five percent on that trade so for you to buy now would mean a bit of chasing what some Power Investor members have already positioned themselves in.
In fact I talked about this with them as a stock to buy for gold back last October.
And if you do not get into the group you will not know when the private sell alert comes.
So you might want to wait for another idea with a better entry point on it instead of buying KL right now.
But I think what you should really do is get into my private Power Investor trading group and get into these type of stocks with me.
To do that just click here.